Lake Trail Middle school in Courtenay. File photo

Courtenay’s Lake Trail School to resume operations Dec. 7, after threat closed school

RCMP say latest threat "associated to" the Nov. 26 threat

  • Dec. 6, 2020 12:00 a.m.

School District 71 announced Sunday that Lake Trail Middle School will reopen Monday, Dec. 7 and resume normal operations.

The school was closed Friday, Dec. 4, following the receipt of a threat targeted specifically at the school.

“This is an understandably frustrating incident for those in the Lake Trail community; however, we have to take our time and be vigilant during these investigations to ensure everyone’s safety,” said Const. Monika Terragni, media relations officer, Comox Valley RCMP.

According to the SD 71 press release, the RCMP stated that the threat report is associated to another in which the Lake Trail Middle School was closed for the day on Nov. 26.

“The swift actions of the school district staff and the close partnership with the RCMP led to prompt and thorough actions to ensure the safety and security of all staff and students was maintained,” said School District 71 superintendent Tom Demeo. “We thank the local detachment for their vigilance and response to this threat.”

The Record has reached out to the RCMP for comment.

RELATED: Lake Trail Middle School closed for the second time in a week due to threat

Comox Valley Record