Taylor Klassen has spent the last year living in Australia in the remote Snowy Mountains and painting film sets in Sydney. (Submitted)

COVID-19 abroad: Revelstokians describe pandemic life outside Canada

For the pandemic anniversary, the Revelstoke Review spoke to residents living around the world

  • Mar. 11, 2021 12:00 a.m.

March 11 is one year since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic.

The disease is estimated to have killed more than 2.5 million people, of which 22,000 were Canadian

While COVID-19 has most likely changed life forever in Canada, the Revelstoke Review spoke to Revelstokians around the world on what the last year has been like living under a pandemic.

READ MORE: World Health Organization declares COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic


The day after Deanne Berarducci arrived in Africa last March, after a visit to Nepal, Kenya halted all flights entering and leaving the country.

“People here were scared at first,” she said.

Soon all schools, restaurants, bars, food markets and government offices closed. A curfew was put in place and citizens were not permitted outside during the night.

Masks have been mandatory since last March.

READ MORE: From the streets of Kenya: Finding a home and a school for a 16 year old boy

Even today, when Berarducci goes into grocery stores, she has her temperature checked twice.

She estimates the reason Kenya has taken strict action against COVID-19 is because the country is used to incurable diseases threatening their livelihoods, such as malaria, tuberculosis and HIV.

“So, they have a plan in place for things like COVID-19, a plan that I don’t think western countries have as we have never had to.”

She said Kenyans are not willing to take the risk of going to a bar and spread a disease that has no cure.

“They don’t have the same resources here that western countries do.”

Less than 2,000 people have so far died from COVID-19 in the country.

Zachary Rogers is a ballet dancer in Russia. (Submitted)


When the pandemic hit the largest country in the world, Zachary Rogers said he had a feeling Russians would be hesitant to lockdown.

The first COVID-19 case in the country was on Jan. 31, however, the theatre Rogers worked at as a ballet dancer did not close until mid-March.

“By which point the state of things were quite serious here,” he said.

READ MORE: Revelstokian becomes a Russian ballet dancer

Soon the county went into lockdown and people were not allowed to leave their homes, except for work and the grocery store. Russians could only walk their dog within 100 metres of their residences.

Rogers’ live performances resumed last June, in Moscow.

“I have really come to value each and every chance I get to perform in front of a live audience after being stuck at home for so long. That time away from the ballet studio and stage really made me realize how much I love what I do and how important it is for me to continue doing it.”

Last August, Russia became the first country in the world to approve a vaccine for COVID-19. Officially almost 90,000 people have died from the disease in Russia, however experts say the number of deaths could be more than three times higher due to limited data collection.

READ MORE: Russia approves vaccine, Putin hopes to begin mass production


Peter Zurba said he is lucky to have a job outside. When COVID-19 hit Texas last March, forcing many businesses to close, Zurba was able to continue working as a landscaper.

“It became a ghost town here,” he said.

Earlier this month, the governor removed the state mask mandate and allowed businesses to open to 100 per cent capacity.

“Our hospitalizations and case numbers have plummeted, and the vaccine is being rapidly distributed. It is time!,” he said.

So far, 5.7 million vaccines have been administered in the state, which is more than double the amount distributed in Canada.

More than 525,000 people have died from COVID-19 in the U.S., of which 45,000 have been in Texas.

READ MORE: U.S. man credits Revelstoke upbringing for surviving Texas ice storm

Leslie Takinami works as a teacher in Japan. (Submitted)


When the Diamond Princess cruise ship arrived at the City of Yokohama on Feb. 3, 2020, the global death toll from the mysterious new coronavirus was around 400.

Within days, more than 700 people on board would test positive for the virus and 13 people would die. Due to improper quarantines and testing, it’s thought disembarking passengers likely added to the virus’s spread within the country.

READ MORE: Canadians released from coronavirus-ridden cruise ship in Japan fly home

Japan declared a state of emergency on April 16.

This forced teacher Leslie Takinami to work from home.

During the closures, public school teachers would hand deliver and pick up homework from students. The government also launched a national television program to teach subjects, like math, for elementary students.

In-class learning resumed by May.

To spur travel and help the ailing tourism industry, the government started to offer domestic travelers 50 per cent discounts on transportation, hotels, restaurants, tourist attractions and shopping across the country.

Due to rising COVID-19 cases, the country halted the program in December.

Last spring, Takinami fell ill with high fever, cough and fatigue. She also lost her sense of taste. While usual symptoms of COVID-19, Takinami said she did not qualify for a test.

More than 8,200 people have died from the disease in Japan.

While Tokyo is still planning to hold the Olympic games this summer, a recent survey found 80 per cent of Japanese people want the games canceled or postponed.

“I don’t want it. It is not a good time to have a lot of people come here,” said Takinami.

Taylor Klassen has spent the last year living in Australia in the remote Snowy Mountains and painting film sets in Sydney. (Submitted)


Last February, Taylor Klassen arrived in Australia just as the country’s worst fire season ended.

For months previously more than 15,000 blazes burned more than 11 million hectares, forcing even Klassen’s partner’s grandma to hide in her own water tank when the fires neared her homestead in the Snowy Mountains.

READ MORE: Australia to pay ‘whatever it takes’ to fight wildfires

Luckily, the fires stopped short of the property, where Klassen lived when she first arrived in the country.

At the property, Klassen did not have cell service, had little internet, used solar panels and the family grew most of their own food.

Klassen said she had little idea how bad COVID-19 was until she got a job in April, painting film sets in Sydney.

“We arrived and there was no canned food, meat or even toilet paper in the shops,” she said.

“That’s when we realized that COVID-19 must be serious.”

Compared to B.C., Australia has enforced strict restrictions when cases of COVID-19 emerge, such as locking inter-state borders and forcing people to remain indoors, except for an hour of exercise per day. Parts of the country have gone into multiple lockdowns in the past year, including five million people in Melbourne who were ordered to stay home for 110 days last summer.

“Props to the government for cracking down. The rules here, have really helped,” said Klassen.

Only 900 people have died from COVID-19 in Australia.

While Klassen worked on film sets, she was tested for COVID-19 each week.

Due to fewer cases of COVID-19, at times there have been no restrictions in Australia and little requirements to wear masks. Cafes were crowded, football stadiums packed with thousands of fans and the country hosted concerts with more than 6,000 attendees.

Klassen said she has yet to attend a concert or nightclub, preferring instead to go fishing or stay home playing cards and eating mulberries.

Bill Hughes at a temple Thailand. The retired CP worker spends most winters in the country. (Submitted)


On Jan. 8, 2020, a traveler tested positive for the virus in Thailand, making it the first case outside China.

The country quickly went into full lockdown and masks became mandatory.

“People were quite scared,” said Bill Hughes.

READ MORE: Out of quarantine: Salmon Arm residents back in Canada compare COVID-19 response

Since then, most places have reopened. However, Hughes said it’s still common to have your temperature checked going into each business, even Starbucks.

Hughes said he came back to Canada between June and November. When he arrived home, he was able to travel back to Revelstoke to quarantine. Upon his return in Thailand, he was met at the plane by officials in hazmat suits, given a COVID-19 test and put on a minibus to quarantine at a hotel for 14 days.

There, he got daily temperature checks and more COVID-19 tests.

“It was all very strict,” he said.

“The government here has done an excellent job of protecting people.”

The country has one of the lowest deaths rates from COVID-19 with only 85 fatalities.

By comparison, it was not until Feb. 21 that Canada made it mandatory for travelers to stay three nights in a hotel upon arriving while waiting on results from a COVID-19 test.

Revelstoke’s Travis Wilkins and his family live in Nepal. The family owns a juice factory. (Submitted)


As COVID-19 started to spread around the world last March, the people of Nepal became uneasy said Travis Wilkins.

Since it was clear Wilkins was not from Nepal, he said locals would run away from him when he approached, yelling “COVID! Go home!”

Soon the government ordered a four-month lockdown. If caught outside during non-designated hours, curfew breakers could be beaten by police, forced to stand still on the road for hours until they learned their lesson or taken to jail, said Wilkins.

The orders forced Wilkins’ juice factory to close for months. Even when people were allowed outside, to halt travel the government banned people from using vehicles. So, Wilkins delivered juice by bicycle.

Today, Wilkins said there are few restrictions and most businesses are open.

“I’m not sure if COVID is done with us, but Nepal is done with COVID,” he said.

Do you have something to add to this story, or something else we should report on? Email:liam.harrap@revelstokereview.com


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Revelstoke Review


While music concerts and nightclubs have reopened, Klassen said she instead prefers to go fishing. (Submitted)

Teacher Leslie Takinami lives in Japan. Last summer the government offered 50 per cent discounts for domestic travellers to help the ailing tourism industry. Here, Takinami took part in the program and went on a road trip. (Submitted)

Leslie Takinami works as a teacher in Japan. (Submitted)

Getting hand sanitizer at a theme part in Japan. (Submitted)

Revelstoke’s Deanne Berarducci runs her own charity called Because All Children Matter in Kenya. Its aim is to help kids living on the streets. She said the country has taken a strict stance against the virus. (Submitted)

Berarducci’s charity helps people, particularly children, living on the streets of Kenya. (Submitted)

Revelstoke’s Travis Wilkins and his family live in Nepal. (Submitted)

To stop the spread of COVID-19, Nepal banned vehicles. So, Travis Wilkins, who owns a juice factory in the country, delivered his product by bicycle. (Submitted)

Zachary Rogers is a ballet dancer in Russia. (Submitted)

Zachary Rogers at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, last December watching a ballet performance. He said places were slow in the country to close for COVID-19. However, Moscow went into lockdown last spring for several months. (Submitted)

Peter Zurba (left) lives in Texas. The state recently removed its mask mandate and businesses are allowed to reopen to 100 per cent capacity. (Submitted)

Retired Canadian Pacific worker Bill Hughes spends his winters in Thailand. (Submitted)

Bill Hughes at a temple Thailand. (Submitted)

Thailand has one of the lowest rates for COVID-19 cases and currently most things are open. This photo is from a New Years Eve concert. (Submitted)

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