Fraser Health Authority (FHA) said one person with COVID-19 attended H.D. Stafford at 20441 Grade Cres. in Langley City on April 26th and 27th (Undated Google image)

COVID-19 cases reported at two Langley schools

Notices issued to families of students at H.D. Stafford and R.E. Mountain schools

COVID cases have been reported at H.D. Stafford Middle School and RE Mountain Secondary School.

Langley School district said in both cases, a memeber of the school community has tested positive amnd was self-siolating at home with support from local public health teams.

Fraser Health Authority (FHA) said one person with COVID-19 attended H.D. Stafford at 20441 Grade Cres. in Langley City on April 26 and 27 and another attended R.E. Mountain on April 26.

Families have been advised that a public health risk assessment is underway and they may receive further instructions.

READ ALSO: D.W. Poppy Secondary School member tests positive for COVID-19

Staff or students who are determined to have been in close contact with the case can expect to receive a phone call or letter from Public Health with instructions to self-isolate.

As well, some staff or students may be asked to self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19.

Case and contact management for an individual case is typically completed within 48 hours of public health receiving notice of a confirmed case of COVID-19, the FHA said.

Curently, a Fraser Health online list of school exposures shows 14 Langley schools have recordered COVID-19 cases since April 19, including several schools that have reported multiple cases.

The list includes Aldergrove Community Secondary, Betty Gilbert Middle, Douglas Park Elementary, D.W. Poppy, HD Stafford, James Kennedy, Langley Secondary, Peter Ewart Middle, R.E. Mountain, Richard Bulpitt, Shortreed, Walnut Grove, Willoughby, Yorkson Creek.

READ ALSO: Langley Canadian Tire closed due to COVID until May 10

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