Springvalley Elementary School. (Google Maps)

Springvalley Elementary School. (Google Maps)

COVID-19 exposure at Kelowna elementary school

A member of the Springvalley Elementary School community has tested positive for the virus

  • Nov. 5, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Interior Health has confirmed another case of COVID-19 at a Kelowna school.

A member of the Springvalley Elementary School community has tested positive for COVID-19. Central Okanagan Public Schools (SD23) did not say whether the person infected with the virus is a student, a faculty member or staff at the school.

The person is self-isolating with assistance from local public health teams.

The school district is working closely with Interior Health to determine if any additional actions are required.

This is the sixth Kelowna school in the past few weeks to record a case of the virus.

Kelowna Secondary School has had three unrelated cases in the last two weeks and Okanagan Mission Secondary School reported a single case of the virus on Wednesday evening.

Two private schools also announced individual cases among their communities, Aberdeen Hall and St. Joseph Catholic School.

An outbreak at Kelowna Francophone school École de l’Anse-au-sable, which was declared over on Nov. 5, infected 16 people in late October. Around 175 people were in self-isolation due to the outbreak and the school shut down between Oct. 26 and Nov. 4.

READ MORE: COVID-19 case confirmed at Okanagan Mission Secondary School

READ MORE: Third case of COVID-19 confirmed at Kelowna Secondary School

Do you have something to add to this story, or something else we should report on? Email: michael.rodriguez@kelownacapnews.com

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