COVID-19 virus (file photo).

COVID-19 exposures reported for two Campbell River schools

Campbell River Christian School and Ecole des Deux Mondes are the schools involved

Two Campbell River-area schools have experienced COVID-19 exposures.

Island Health reports that Campbell River Christian School experienced an exposure event April 27 and 29 and SD72 reported on Facebook that Island Health issued a general exposure notice for Ecole des Deux Mondes. The dates of possible exposures in the school occurred on May 4 and May 5, 2021.

SD72 said Island Health is completing contact tracing and will contact any staff or students that need to self-isolate or self-monitor for symptoms. A letter has been sent to the school community.

For more details:

Island Health says on its school exposures page that Public Health works directly with school staff to identify anyone who may have been exposed, and to carry out case and contact management. Those identified as cases and close contacts will be instructed to self-isolate directly by Public Health teams.

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