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COVID-19 outbreak at Glenwood Care Centre in Agassiz

Two residents, one staff member affected, Frase Health says

  • Jun. 7, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Fraser Health has declared a COVID-19 outbreak at Glenwood Care Centre in Agassiz as two residents and one staff member have tested positive.

The residents and the staff member are currently in self-isolation at their homes. Fraser Health is working with the site to implement enhanced infection control protocols. This includes restricting visitors and staff and resident movement, enhanced cleaning and twice-daily screening. Fraser Health is working to identify anyone who might have been exposed to COVID because of this outbreak.

Fraser Health has additional staff – including infection control experts and nurse educators – on site at Glenwood Care Centre to answer questions and provide support to the facility.

“It is critically important for people living in the Fraser Health region to get tested as soon as you have COVID-19-like symptoms, even mild ones,” Fraser health said in a statement on Monday (June 7).

For more information about testing and COVID-19, visit fraserhealth.ca/covid19.

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Agassiz-Harrison Observer