White Rock Evergreen Baptist Society has one new case of COVID-19 this week, according to Fraser Health. (Peace Arch News photo)

COVID-19 outbreak declared at White Rock’s Evergreen Baptist Care Society

One resident has tested positive, is in self-isolation Fraser Health says

A COVID-19 outbreak has been declared at White Rock’s Evergreen Baptist Care Society after one resident tested positive for the virus.

According to a news release issued by Fraser Health Tuesday evening, the resident is currently in self isolation in their home. Enhanced control measures have also been put in place, and Fraser Health and Evergreen staff are working to identify anyone who may have been exposed.

The news release notes that staffing levels are “being supported to maintain resident care”; visitors are currently restricted throughout the facility; staff and residents’ movement within the facility has been restricted; cleaning and infection-control measures have been enhanced, and twice-daily screenings of all residents and staff are taking place.

Residents, families and staff are also being notified, Fraser Health added.

Evergreen Baptist has had one other COVID-19 outbreak already during the pandemic – a major one that lasted from December 2020 until January of this year that saw 52 staff and residents test positive and six people die.

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