A COVID-19 outbreak has been declared at Peace Arch Hospital. (Tracy Holmes photo)

COVID-19 outbreak declared at White Rock’s Peace Arch Hospital

Outbreak limited to two patients in one unit of hospital, according to Fraser Health

A COVID-19 outbreak has been declared at Peace Arch Hospital after two patients tested positive for the virus.

Fraser Health announced Friday afternoon that an outbreak had been declared “after evidence of transmission in a medicine unit.”

According to a news release, the outbreak is limited to one unit, which is temporarily closed to admissions.

As is the case with all outbreak situations, Fraser Health said that a number of precautions have immediately been put it place, including enhanced cleaning as well as contract tracing “to protect the health of all staff, medical staff and patients.”

The emergency department at the White Rock hospital remains open, and the outbreak has not affected any other areas of the hospital, according to the health authority.

The outbreak is the second in White Rock this month; an outbreak was also declared at Evergreen Baptist Care Society on Aug. 11.

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