Town of Qualicum Beach Mayor Brian Wiese. (File photo)

Town of Qualicum Beach Mayor Brian Wiese. (File photo)

COVID-19: Qualicum Beach mayor’s message

Wiese expresses apprecation to frontline workers

  • Apr. 3, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Message from Qualicum Beach Mayor Brian Wiese:

“As the coronavirus continues to spread throughout the world, our community is feeling the effects.

“During these ‘flatten the curve’ times of physical distancing, frequent handwashing, service closures, and self-isolation, celebrating the good and remaining socially connected are more important than ever.

“We are proud to hear local stories of neighbours coming together in creative ways to maintain social interaction while practising physical separation. From picking up the phone and offering to shop for neighbours, to arranging afternoon backyard visits from behind fences and hedges, the residents of our community are taking the time to check on the health and wellness of their friends and neighbours.

READ MORE: Parksville Qualicum Beach health care workers honoured with parade

“At no greater times than these do we appreciate our frontline workers. A huge call out to our local service providers — from our grocery store and pharmacy workers, to care centres and health care workers, to restaurants offering take out, to municipal staff and our local hardware store.

We thank you!”

— Submitted

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