Cowichan Secondary School. (File photo)

COVID-19 reported at Vancouver Island high school

Possible exposures at Cowichan Secondary occurred Jan. 5, 6 and 7

  • Jan. 10, 2021 12:00 a.m.

More COVID-19 exposures have been detected in the Cowichan Valley, including at three schools in the Duncan area.

Letters were sent out and posted on the Facebook pages of Cowichan Secondary School, Duncan Christian School at Quamichan School on the night of Sunday, Jan. 10 notifying members of the school communities that someone from the school had tested positive for the illness in the previous week.

Potential exposure at Cowichan Secondary had occurred on Jan. 5, 6 and 7, at Duncan Christian on Jan. 6, 7 and 8, and at Quamichan School on Jan. 5, the letters advised. Island Health has completed contact tracing to identify staff and students who need to self-isolate or self-monitor for symptom. Staff and students who need to self-isolate for 14 days have received phone calls, and letters have been sent out to those who need to self-monitor. Staff and students who are asked to self monitor may continue to attend school.

A similar letter was posted to the Cowichan Tribes Facebook page advising of possible exposure on a Cowichan Tribes bus between Jan. 3 and 7.

A similar situation unfolded at Chemainus Secondary School, where possible exposure was dected on Monday, Jan. 4. Cowichan Tribes members are under a shelter in place order from Jan. 6 to Jan. 22. Cases have also been reported recently at the Duncan Superstore and a long-term care facility in the Cowichan Valley.

Read more: COVID-19 detected at Chemainus Secondary School

Read more: Cowichan Tribes under shelter in place order

Read more: COVID-19 outbreak declared at assisted-living facility in Duncan

Read more: Cowichan Superstore employee tests positive for COVID-19

Nanaimo News Bulletin