Fraser Health held a COVID-19 vaccine clinic at Gurdwara Dukh Nivaran Sahib in Surrey on Friday, May 7, 2021. Roughly 400 people pre-registered to get their vaccine the week before. (Photo: Lauren Collins)

COVID-19 vaccination rates for eligible Surrey residents increases by 3%

About 72% of those aged 12-plus are fully vaccinated

Vaccination rates for eligible Surrey residents has increased by about three per cent from last week, according to the latest data from the BC Centre for Disease Control’s regional surveillance dashboard.

Rates for second doses for 12-plus as of Aug. 9 are: North Surrey (66 per cent), Whalley (69 per cent), Guildford (71 per cent), West Newton (70 per cent), East Newton (71 per cent), Fleetwood (75 per cent), Cloverdale (75 per cent), Panorama (75 per cent) and South Surrey (77 per cent).

That’s about 72 per cent of those who are 12-plus who are fully vaccinated, which is up three per cent from Aug. 2. First doses are at 86 per cent, which has stayed the same from the previous reporting period.

Rates for those fully vaccinated for 18-plus as of Aug. 9 are: North Surrey (68 per cent), Whalley (71 per cent), Guildford (73 per cent), West Newton (72 per cent), East Newton (74 per cent), Fleetwood (77 per cent), Cloverdale (76 per cent), Panorama (77 per cent) and South Surrey (78 per cent).

That’s about 74 per cent of those who are 18-plus who are fully vaccinated, which is up two per cent from Aug. 2. About 87 per cent of people aged 18 and over have had one dose, which the same from the previous reporting period.

When it comes to those who are aged 50-plus and fully vaccinated, the rates are: North Surrey (77 per cent), Whalley (82 per cent), Guildford (80 per cent), West Newton (84 per cent) East Newton (84 per cent), Fleetwood (85 per cent), Cloverdale (85 per cent), Panorama (86 percent) and South Surrey (84 per cent).

That’s about 83 per cent of those aged 50 and older who are fully vaccinated, which is up about one per cent from Aug. 2. First doses are at 90 per cent, which has stayed the same since Aug. 2.

READ ALSO: Surrey’s COVID-19 cases double from previous week, Aug. 13, 2021

lauren.collins@surreynowleader.comLike us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram and follow Lauren on Twitter

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