The Sun Peaks Community Health Centre near Kamloops is reporting cases of COVID-19. (Alex Passini photo)

COVID cases reported at Sun Peaks community

Letter by community health centre's medical director posted to social media

  • Dec. 27, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Sun Peaks Community Health Centre near Kamloops has posted to its Facebook page a letter from the centre’s medical director that COVID-19 cases are now in the community.

Dr. Shane Barclay said all cases were notified the morning after their tests by health centre staff.

“All had been self-quarantining and contact tracing was complete by noon the same day,” said Barclay in his letter dated Saturday, Dec. 26. “My sincere thanks to all that helped to quickly respond to this.”

Barclay said the results provide proof that the coronavirus is out there, circulating in the community.

“If you must go out, be very careful, and, yes, keep socially distanced from other people, wear a mask and wash your hands often,” he said.

A photo of Barclay’s full note can be found at the bottom of this page.

READ MORE: Employee at Sun Peaks Resort tests positive for COVID-19

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Vernon Morning Star


Dr. Shane Barclay’s letter to the Sun Peaks community about cases of COVID-19 reported. (Facebook photo)