An organizer of the event makes sure the wreaths are lined up just so at the cenotaph at Lake Cowichan for the Remembrance Day ceremony in 2020. (Andrea Rondeau/Gazette)

COVID-conscious Lake Cowichan Remembrance Day ceremony goes without a hitch

Pre-laid wreaths still brought a splash of colour to the cenotaph

The Remembrance Day service in Lake Cowichan was far from normal on Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2020.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Lake Cowichan Legion had requested people to stay away from the annual event, which usually draws a large crowd to pay their respects to those who lost their lives in the First and Second World Wars, the Korean War, and other smaller conflicts.

However, pre-laid wreaths still brought a splash of colour to the cenotaph, as a colour party, led by a lone bagpiper, marched to the monument. The Lake Cowichan Tenors led the sprinkling of spectators in singing ‘O Canada’ and ‘God Save the Queen’, and a chaplain spoke a few words to commemorate the occasion.

Though smaller than usual, it was a moving ceremony, and residents were asked to tune in live online.

Masks were the name of the game, and were worn by the participants, removed only when speaking or singing, and most of the spectators also complied with the masking request, as well as spreading out to distance from one another at the outdoor venue.

Lake Cowichan Gazette