A COVID-19 exposure has been reported at Cowichan Secondary School. (File photo)

COVID exposure reported at 3 Cowichan schools since last week

Island Health completes contact tracing to identify staff or students who need to self-isolate

  • Feb. 1, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Cowichan Secondary School is reporting a positive COVID-19 test for a member of the school community.

In a post on their Facebook page on Monday, Feb. 1, the school put up a letter from Island Health with the notification, indicating that the person in question is isolating and being followed by Island Health.

Dates of the exposure Jan 25-28, 2021. Island Health has completed contact tracing to identify staff and students who need to isolate or monitor for symptoms.

Earlier Monday morning it was reported that a member of the school community at Chemainus Secondary School has also tested positive for COVID-19.

A letter from Island Health to parents, guardians, families and staff within the school community indicates the individual is isolating under Island Health guidelines.

The dates of potential exposure in the school community are: Jan. 25, 26, 27 and the morning of Jan. 28.

Island Health stressed complete contract tracing has been conducted to identify any students or staff who need to self-isolate of self-monitor for symptoms.

Island Health also reaffirmed those receiving a letter may not necessarily have been exposed to COVID-19. The intent of the letter is to share information with the school community and advise on the next steps being taken by Island Health.

Earlier in January, there was one other positive test at Chemainus Secondary. Cowichan Secondary has also seen an exposure in the first month of the new year, along with exposures at Alexander Elementary, Quamichan School and Duncan Christian School. The previous day to this latest letter going out there was a positive test identified within the Crofton Elementary School community.

No other personal details are released about the COVID-19 exposures in order to protect the identity of the individuals involved.

The virus spreads from droplets between people. That means an infection can only occur if a person is close enough to be exposed to saliva or mucus from an affected person.

Cowichan Valley Citizen