Kyla and Jim Neville in front of one of the two massive billboards on their property in Topley. (Submitted/Lakes District News)

Cow Moose Sign Project billboards successfully installed in Topley

A total of seven billboards across Hwy. 16

  • Aug. 4, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Two Cow Moose Sign Project billboards have gone up in Topley between Burns Lake and Houston along Hwy. 16.

The project, spearheaded by Dan and Vivian Simmons, residents of Williams Lake, was started in 2014 and was brought to Topley thanks to Kyla and Jim Neville.

“We are thrilled to see them up after almost a year of planning and work. We feel very honoured to be chosen by Dan and Vivian to be a part of their legacy and for giving us the opportunity to bring their message to the Bulkley Valley and Lakes District,” said Kyla, who offered up two spots on their property for the two billboards, at no cost.

With these two billboards, the Simmons now have seven billboards across Hwy. 16 and several thousand signs across the province to raise awareness for protecting the cow moose.

ALSO READ: Cow Moose sign project billboards arrive in Topley

“The cost of both the signs is well over $10,000, not including the labour and it was due to the volunteers and the donations that this became possible. Jim and Kyla poured their heart, soul, sweat and their property in this project, and we are just so proud of them,” said Dan, adding that the Neville couple’s two grandkids Liam and Aleah also worked with them to build the structures which was just such a commitment from the family.

Kyla extended her gratitude to the Simmons for letting her run with the billboard project on her property and also expressed how grateful she was for the community, businesses, donors and volunteers who helped make the project a reality.

“Dan and Vivian Simmons are amazing people, they are kind and generous and believe passionately in their cause. When I reached out to them and told them that I had a place they could put a billboard if they were interested I had no idea what it would take to get a project this big from start to finish,” she said.

The Nevilles worked on this project with Burns Lake councillor Charlie Rensby, MLA John Rustad, MLA Ellis Ross and several businesses and residents of the Bulkley Valley and Lakes District area for several months.

“Moose are big part of peoples lives in BC, people from around the world come here to see the things we were fortunate enough to grow up with, and the people who live here depend on moose to feed their families. It is important to protect the cow moose so that future generations can enjoy the same experiences we do and we are very happy to be a part of that. To quote Miss Vivian, ‘Let’s save some moose!'” said Kyla.

ALSO READ: Two cow moose sign project billboards coming to Hwy. 16 near Topley

Burns Lake Lakes District News