Fisheries and Oceans Canada announced Oct. 29 two openings for Cowichan chum fisheries. (Tyson Fick photo)

Fisheries and Oceans Canada announced Oct. 29 two openings for Cowichan chum fisheries. (Tyson Fick photo)

Cowichan chum salmon escapements trigger openings

Troll and demonstration fisheries announced today

  • Oct. 29, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) expects chum escapements on the Cowichan River will reach minimal thresholds to trigger planned openings for commercial troll and Cowichan Tribes fishers.

Today (Oct. 29) DFO released notices stating the Cowichan River Didson escapement is expected to pass 65,000 chum by tomorrow. This will meet a 65 per cent requirement of an estimated 170,000 return, allowing for a small 3,000 fish TAC commercial troll fishery beginning Oct. 30 in designated waters between the southwest of Salt Spring Island and Vancouver Island.

A demonstration fishery in the same area opened today until further notice for Cowichan Tribes. At the time of posting there was just one vessel licenced for a total allowable catch of 5,000 chum. The demonstration fishery was outlined in the 2020 Southern BC Salmon Integrated Fishery management Plan.

Cowichan Valley Citizen