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Cowichan residents head to the polls

Voters feel comfortable with COVID-19 protocols

Voters of the Cowichan Valley felt comfortable with COVID-19 protocols as they headed to the polls for the provincial election on Saturday.

Just after voting at Mount Prevost School late Saturday morning, Susan said she “wasn’t nervous” at all about casting her ballot during the pandemic.

Regardless of the pandemic, Susan felt it was vital to vote, “because I work for Island Health and the Liberals tore up our contract. I’ve voted NDP ever since.”

She said that when she arrived at the polling place, there was no lineup, but by the time she finished five minutes later, there was a line out the door.

Sarah, another voter at Prevost, took along her daughter, who will be eligible to vote next year, so she could see what the process was like. She also felt “fine” voting during the pandemic, and appreciated the flexibility of not having to go to a specific polling place.

“It was nice that we could go to any poll,” she said. “They’ve never done that before.”

Another voter provided no comment, but he gave the process a big “thumbs up” as he left the school.

Polls will remain open until 8 p.m. on Saturday evening.

For more information:

It’s Election Day in B.C.: Here’s what you need to know to vote

Voter’s guide for the Cowichan Valley and Nanaimo-North Cowichan ridings

Cowichan Valley Citizen