Gwen Thorne, right, and her daughter Pauline Thorne, sell t-shirts at the Cowichan Tribes’ celebration of National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21. (Robert Barron/Citizen)

Cowichan Tribes celebrates National Indigenous People’s Day

First Nation members gather for day of fun and remembrance

National Indigenous Peoples Day was celebrated by Cowichan Tribes and other visiting First Nations at the Si’em Lelum Gym and surrounding fields under blue and sunny skies on Monday, June 21.

Dozens of people took part in the day’s activities, including a barbecue, family activities like bouncy castles and other entertainment like traditional dancing and speeches from officials.

Cowichan Valley Citizen


Joseph George is all smiles after getting some cotton candy at the Cowichan Tribes’ celebration of National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21. (Robert Barron/Citizen)