Parents, caregivers, and stakeholders can have their say in the annual budget survey released by the Cowichan Valley School District The deadline to respond is April 20. (Citizen file)

Cowichan Valley Board of Education releases annual budget survey

Deadline to respond is April 20

It’s number crunching time for the Cowichan Valley School District and the Board of Education is hoping the public’s answers to their annual budget survey will help to guide their financial way during these uncertain and unprecedented times.

“The School District’s budget is the financial plan that resources our schools and allows us to deliver programs that helps prepare our learners for a world they will create. This year is so much different than those before as we are contending with the realities of a year-long worldwide pandemic,” said Board of Education chair Candace Spilsbury. “We are asking for your feedback as community engagement around our budget is a key aspect of determining where we put our resources.”

The Cowichan Valley School District’s 2020-2024 Strategic Plan focuses on the theme of “Beyond Education” and the survey mirrors that theme.

That’s not all, though. The survey will also report back to the community about the progress they’ve made as a result of last year’s survey responses.

The survey will be open only until April 20, however, so get it done to have your say recorded.

The survey is available at and can also be found on the Cowichan Valley School District’s Facebook, Twitter accounts as well as

Hard copy surveys can also be printed for parents at their child’s school.

Last year’s approved Cowichan Valley School District operating budget was $91.1 million and was broadly divided into four categories with instruction being the largest section (81.61%), followed by operations and maintenance (11.78%), administration (3.72%), and transportation (2.9%).

sarah.simpson@cowichanvalleycitizen.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Cowichan Valley Citizen