Cowichan Valley rider Canada’s top MS Bike fundraiser: $800K

To date, James’s $575,000, combined with his team’s total, is a staggering $800,000.

  • Jul. 21, 2016 7:00 a.m.


Steph Troughton Special to the Citizen

After his wife was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2000, Cowichan Valley resident Kevin James began his 16-year journey raising money to help fight Canada’s disease. He has now become one of the country’s top bike fundraisers with a total of $575,000 raised on his behalf.

Being so deeply connected to the cause, James was determined to learn more about MS and find any way that he can help. Fundraising has become that tool to aid both his wife and anyone else battling the disease to reach a cure. To date, James’s $575,000, combined with his team’s total, is a staggering $800,000.

He wants others to engage in the upcoming Cowichan Valley Grape Escape, whether it’s putting on a helmet and cycling along with the other participants, or donating to a friend or family who are doing the tour. Being a veteran MS Bike rider, he has words of wisdom he shares to his team, the Woop-De-Woo’s, as well as others.

“As team captain, I want my team and anyone participating to know we are there to have fun and to draw attention to a disease that has affected the lives of so many Canadians, including my wife. Enjoy the weekend and know that this tour is not a race; the end game is the same and it is bigger than us. There is no pressure while you’re out there fundraising and riding,” he said.

To anyone who feels they do not have the skills to be a successful fundraiser, James says, “Approach it with a positive attitude and set a personal goal for yourself. Don’t be intimidated by the numbers, as you will be surprised how your community will rally around your efforts. Remember that you are fundraising for those who cannot, those who are waiting for a cure.”

Before his first MS Bike tour, he had described himself as just “a guy with a bike.” James has now taken up biking and loves it; he has participated in MS Bike tours all across North America and wants people to know that this ride, and the fundraising aspect, is completely attainable and urges people to join a team or sign up with friends.

“We are all out there riding for the same reason. The route is doable and for a good cause. What makes it even better, is there is no pressure; just go out, ride, and have fun,” said James.

There is still time to sign up to join James and the Cowichan Valley Grape Escape taking place July 23 to 24. Visit for more details.

Cowichan Valley Citizen