Cowichan Valley school district to receive more than $1.3 million from the province for upgrade and maintenance projects. (File photo)

Cowichan Valley school district to receive more than $1.3 million from the province for upgrade and maintenance projects. (File photo)

Cowichan Valley school district to receive more than $1.3 million for upgrades

Roofing projects make up most of planned projects

  • Mar. 12, 2020 12:00 a.m.

A number of schools in the Cowichan Valley are going to see more green, efficient and safe learning spaces thanks to more than $1.3 million in provincial funding for upgrade and maintenance projects.

Khowhemun, Discovery, Drinkwater, Tansor, Ecole Mount Prevost and Somenos elementary schools will receive roof replacements from the funding, while the School District Core Building will get a boiler upgrade, and five new busses will be added to the Cowichan Valley school district’s bus fleet.

“Under the B.C. Liberals, we saw schools in our community close at an alarming rate, and vital maintenance projects put on hold,” said Doug Routley, NDP MLA for Nanaimo-North Cowichan.

“Our government is making different choices by investing in important upgrades that help ensure our students have a safe and comfortable learning environment.”

The funding commitment is part of a $217.7-million investment under the Annual Facilities Grant, School Enhancement Program, Carbon Neutral Capital Program, Building Envelope Program and Bus Acquisition Program, to ensure students have well-maintained learning environments and bus services that are safe, comfortable and efficient.

Cowichan Valley Citizen