The first baby of the new year at Cowichan District Hospital is also the first child for North Cowichan’s Allysa and Blake Simmons. Charlotte Simmons was born at 3:48 a.m. and weighed six pounds 11 ounces. (Sarah Simpson/Citizen)

The first baby of the new year at Cowichan District Hospital is also the first child for North Cowichan’s Allysa and Blake Simmons. Charlotte Simmons was born at 3:48 a.m. and weighed six pounds 11 ounces. (Sarah Simpson/Citizen)

Cowichan’s first baby comes less than four hours into the year

The first baby of the new year at Cowichan District Hospital is also the first child for North Cowichan's Allysa and Blake Simmons.

The first baby of the new year at Cowichan District Hospital is also the first child for North Cowichan’s Allysa and Blake Simmons.

Little Charlotte Simmons was born at 3:48 a.m. after a relatively quick labour, weighing in at six pounds, 11 ounces.

Proud hushand and new dad Blake said his wife didn’t go into labour until 10 p.m. so they figured the baby would arrive on Jan. 1 but they weren’t so sure they’d have the first baby of the year. They thought they’d deliver later in the day.

“We kind of thought that we would be close,” he said. “But things kind of moved pretty quick.”

Tired but healthy and happy, mom and baby are both doing well.

sarah.simpson@cowichanvalleycitizen.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Cowichan Valley Citizen