Cpl. Michaud’s family says Thank You

A public expression of gratitude for the support given to Cpl. J.R. Michaud's family after the RCMP officer critically injured on Dec. 3.

  • Jan. 28, 2015 10:00 a.m.

Every law enforcement spouse fears that one day, they will get “the knock” at the door to tell us our loved one has been hurt, but most of us think “it will not happen to me”. On Dec. 3, 2014, I received that knock in the middle of the night, and my world was shattered. My husband, Jean-Rene Michaud, was shot multiple times and critically wounded in a senseless and unforgivable act of violence.

Jean-Rene is the loving father of our two young children, and an amazing, supportive husband. He is a hardworking, proactive, dedicated member of the RCMP, who has a passion for making the communities we are posted in safer.

Our family has suffered a great deal of pain over the last two months, and I am deeply saddened and angry that two more families are experiencing similar pain over the recent, senseless act of violence in Alberta. These members are people who have dedicated their lives to making the world a better place. They are sons, fathers, husbands, and integral members of the communities they live and serve in. What happened to them is completely unacceptable.

Jean-Rene has endured many surgeries, countless complications with setbacks, and will still have a long road to recovery; but he has shown courage and strength every step of the way. We are finally feeling confident that he will overcome his substantial injuries, and we are hoping he will be medically stable enough to transport back to Royal Inland Hospital shortly.

Our family has received overwhelming support, not only from residents of Kamloops, but also from across Canada. Words cannot describe how thankful we are for your words of encouragement, and your thoughtfulness. Your messages have given me strength in the darkest of days, and I know they will help Jean-Rene throughout his recovery.

We would like to thank and recognize the RCMP members, dispatch workers, and other first responders who were on scene that night, as well as all of the amazing care providers at Royal Inland Hospital and in Vancouver, for doing everything you did to keep Jean-Rene alive. We also extend our deepest gratitude to Thompson Rivers University, Nick Grabas of Anything Paint and Body, West Jet, Air Canada and numerous local businesses that have contributed in many ways. Thank you to our amazing neighbors, families, friends, the people in Kamloops, and to the law enforcement agencies from across Canada for their support.

And finally, to our RCMP family, thank you will never be enough to sum up how grateful we are for you. You were there for Jean-Rene that night, and your presence not only saved his life, but also gave him great comfort. You have supported me in every way through this difficult journey, and you have rallied together to help Jean-Rene. It was heartbreaking to not be with our children for Christmas, but you made sure their Christmas was magical regardless, and for that we are forever grateful. You are an incredible family to be a part of, thank you for your unwavering support.

Colleen Michaud

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal