COVID-19 data by LHA for Aug. 29-Sept. 4. Photo courtesy BC Centre for Disease Control.

Cranbrook COVID-19 cases remain high: BC CDC

68 cases reported between Aug. 29-Sept.4, according to latest data from public health officials

Cranbrook had 68 COVID-19 cases between Aug. 29-Sept. 4, according to the latest data from the B.C. Centre for Disease Control.

The latest numbers are similar to the previous reporting week, as Cranbrook had 69 cases between Aug. 22-28.

Meanwhile, case counts dipped in Local Health Areas around Cranbrook, compared to previous reporting weeks, as numbers in Fernie, Kimberley, Creston and Nelson dropped slightly.

However, cases in the Cranbrook area have remained high in August, as the BC CDC reported 211 cases in the Key City over the last month.

On Sept. 4, Interior Health reported a COVID-19 outbreak at Joseph Creek Village on Sept. 4, which is now at five residents and four staff members.

“We need to continue wearing masks, we need to improve ventilation, especially in schools, and we all need to get vaccinated,” said Dr. James Heilman, a Cranbrook-based physician at the East Kootenay Regional Hospital. “This is simply the new reality and the more people push back against this unfortunately the longer it will all drag on. I am supportive of proof of vaccination requirements as evidence supports it encourages those on the fence to get the shot. And on the flip side it will hopefully help the unvaccinated socially isolate.”

In addition to the latest weekly Local Health Area data, the B.C. CDC also released it’s weekly situation report for data collected between Aug. 22-28.

In that epidemiological week, Interior Health reported 1,490 COVID-19 cases across the regional health authority — the highest in all of B.C.

Interior Health also reported 67 hospitalizations and 15 admissions into an Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Compared to other health authorities, Fraser Health had 68 hospitalizations and 11 ICU admissions, while numbers in other health authorities on Vancouver Island or in northern B.C. were lower in both categories.

Interior Health also reported 10 deaths during that weekly time period.

On vaccination rates, Cranbrook has high double-dose uptake in 12-plus and 18-plus categories at 69 per cent and 71 per cent, respectively, but age gaps remain.

For example, in the 12-17 age range, only 52 per cent are double-dosed, and in the 18-49 age range, only 57 per cent have both vaccine doses.

In Kimberley, that trend remains somewhat similar, as 59 per cent of those between 12-17 are fully vaccinated, while 65 per cent of those 18-49 have two doses.

Cranbrook Townsman