

Cranbrook Experiences Spike in Theft from Vehicles

Cranbrook RCMP is investigating after a rash of theft from vehicles according to a report from the detachment.

Cranbrook RCMP is investigating after a rash of theft from vehicles according to a report from the detachment.

Overnight RCMP members were on patrol in the 12th Street North area of town when they noted several vehicles had their doors open and appeared to have been rummaged through.

There is often a spike in thefts from vehicles over the summer. People sometimes forget to lock their doors or feel that no one will take anything or that they don’t have anything of value in their cars.

Police are asking people to take a second look after they leave their vehicle for the night to make sure it is secure. Thefts from vehicles is a crime of opportunity, and if your door is unlocked, culprits will take advantage.

Police are also urging the public to contact the RCMP should they see suspicious activity in their neighbourhood. Cranbrook RCMP are 24/7 and can respond at any time of the day or night.

Should you HAVE to lock your car? No, it’s yours and your property. In this day and age do we NEED to lock our doors? Unfortunately that answer is yes.

Cranbrook Daily Townsman