Cranbrook keeps pushing towards the 20,000 mark

Cranbrook just can't seem to break that 20,000 ceiling. But we're getting close.

  • Feb. 11, 2016 8:00 a.m.

Barry Coulter

Cranbrook just can’t seem to break that 20,000 ceiling. But we’re getting close.

BC Stats, the province’s statistics agency, put Cranbrook’s latest population figure at 19,911. That’s 353 souls — or 1.8 per cent — more than 2014.

According to BC Stats, Cranbrook’s population also grew slightly in 2014 (19,558). This was a change from the previous two years, which saw decreases in our population. There were 19,452 residents in 2014,down 161 from 2013. 2013 itself was down 120 people from 2012.

So it looks as if Cranbrook is back on the upswing. Steady as she grows.

Meanwhile, Kimberley is holding steady — a population of 6,746 is up 0.7 per cent over 2014. Kimberley also saw an increased headcount in 2014, and decreases the two years previously.

The East Kootenay itself grew peoplewise by 0.2 per cent. Our region now boasts 57,642. We here at the Townsman are hoping you all get subscriptions.

Canal Flats and Fernie were the only towns of those noted in the East Kootenay that were down in 2015.

The next national census will be conducted this year.

Cranbrook Daily Townsman