S/Sgt. Hector Lee, who has been the RCMP detachment commander in Cranbrook for the last three years, announced he is transferring to Kelowna at city council on Monday night. Trevor Crawley photo.

S/Sgt. Hector Lee, who has been the RCMP detachment commander in Cranbrook for the last three years, announced he is transferring to Kelowna at city council on Monday night. Trevor Crawley photo.

Cranbrook RCMP boss transferring

S/Sgt. Hector Lee accepts new role in Kelowna, police actively searching for replacement

Cranbrook’s RCMP detachment commander announced he will be leaving his post and transferring to an advisory role in Kelowna, during a city council meeting on Monday evening.

S/Sgt. Hector Lee arrived in the Key City three years ago, coming in from the Lower Mainland.

“I’m transferring because of personal reasons; it’s got nothing to do with the city, the detachment, the people in this town,” said Lee, “this city has been nothing but wonderful to me and my family.”

Lee said he will be managing in an advisory capacity to six detachments and assisting other commanders in the province.

The RCMP is actively looking for a replacement, he added.

“It was at tough decision…but I feel I’m leaving the detachment in really good hands with Sgt. [Barry] Graham and Sgt. [Chris] Dodds running the helm for a while until the replacement is here,” said Lee. “We have a good team here; it’s been a total team effort, so I’m just one person, it’s always a team —and that includes the support staff and that comes from the city as well.”

Mayor Lee Pratt praised the detachment commander’s policing work with the community.

“You’ve done a great job since you’ve been here and it’s been a pleasure working with you,” said Pratt. “You’ve really kept us informed and you’ve certainly made a difference in the detachment here.”

Cranbrook Townsman