At its regular meeting Friday, the Cariboo Regional District board approved secondary suites and carriage houses for most residential zones. Greg Sabatino photo

At its regular meeting Friday, the Cariboo Regional District board approved secondary suites and carriage houses for most residential zones. Greg Sabatino photo

CRD approves secondary suites and carriage houses

After four public hearings and an online survey, the CRD has amended its bylaw

  • May. 28, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Secondary suites and carriage houses are now permitted in most residential zones and in all rural zones within the Cariboo Regional District, with the exception of mobile home park zones and multi-family residential zones.

The CRD board approved amendments to its secondary suite bylaw at its regular meeting Friday.

Secondary dwellings are only allowed in Rural 1 and Resource/Agricultural zones.

The move comes after the CRD’s planning department held four public hearings and an online survey to gather public comments on the changes earlier this year.

The new bylaw is available on the CRD’s website at

Grants for assistance approved

The following grants for assistance were approved: $682.50 from Electoral Areas G, H and L’s Grant for Assistance funds for the 100 Mile and District Women’s Centre Society to support their fundraising event; $500 from Area K for the Riske Creek Rec Commission to purchase a trailer for a water tank; $500 from Area D funds to the Wildwood Community and Recreation Association for the Children’s Festival on May 27 and $1,000 from Electoral Area E to support the Williams Lake Farmers’ Market.

Cariboo Agricultural Research Alliance update

David Zirnhelt, Chair, and Serena Black, Co-ordinator, for the Cariboo Agricultural Research Alliance (CARA), appeared before the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) board to provide an update and request support.

CARA’s vision is to be seen as the steward of Cariboo applied agriculture research, providing access to research outputs, helping to set regional priorities, and providing coordination for programs and projects which are important, on behalf of ranchers, farmers and other user groups.

Statement of Financial Information released

The Board received the CRD’s 2017 Statement of Financial Information schedules and approved them for release to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.

The Statement of Financial Information is a regulatory requirement for all Local Governments in British Columbia under the Financial Information Act. The Schedules and Audited Financial Statements are included in the May 25 Board agenda.

Funding for North Cariboo Trail Project

The Regional District submitted a grant application to Northern Development Initiative Trust for $30,000 towards the Wonderland Trails project, which is part of the North Cariboo Trail Development project.

This project builds on the extensive mountain bike trails development work undertaken in the central and south Cariboo. The Board also allocated $33,000 in Cariboo Strong funds and submitted a Special Circumstances application to the Rural Dividend Fund to support the project.

The CRD also submitted two additional Special Circumstances grants to the Rural Dividend Fund in support of upgrades at the Bull Mountain Cross Country Ski Trails and the 100 Mile Nordics Ski Trails.

Interlakes fire truck assent vote on Aug. 18

The directors approved conducting an assent vote (referendum) within the Interlakes Area Fire Protection Service area.

To satisfy Fire Insurance Underwriter requirements, the Interlakes Area Fire Protection Service must replace two engine/pumper trucks in 2019 and 2021.

The CRD needs public authorization to borrow the necessary funding, but the estimated annual cost to undertake this borrowing will not require any adjustment to tax rates.

General voting day will be on Aug. 18 with advance voting opportunities on Aug. 8 and Aug. 13. Stay tuned for more details about the referendum over the coming months.

Northern Health presents to CCRHD board

Representatives from Northern Health – Penny Anguish, Chief Operating Officer, Debbie Strang, Health Service Administrator, and Peter Kallos, Regional Director of Development Services – gave the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District (CCRHD) board an update on the Quesnel health services administrative area.

They discussed their service priorities, changes with Quesnel medical staff, and completed and proposed capital projects. They also gave an update on how they used the CCRHD’s 40 per cent funding support on recent minor capital purchases.

Upcoming meetings

Committee of the Whole (Williams Lake) – Thurs., June 21

CCRHD & CRD Boards (Williams Lake) – Fri., June 22

The Board on the Road meetings scheduled for June 14-15, 2018, in Electoral Area J, have been postponed to 2019 due to scheduling conflicts

With files from the Cariboo Regional District Board Highlights

Williams Lake Tribune