Today is the last advance polling day for the Cariboo Regional District Area E byelection. Angie Mindus photo

Today is the last advance polling day for the Cariboo Regional District Area E byelection. Angie Mindus photo

CRD byelection advance poll underway Tuesday

It's the last day to vote in the advance poll before general voting day on April 7

The Cariboo Regional District Area E byelection’s advance polling is underway for the final day Tuesday at the CRD office located at 180 Third Avenue North.

Advance polling continues until 8 p.m. this evening.

General voting day is Saturday, April 7 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Polling stations will be at the CRD’s Williams Lake office, Chilcotin Road, Mountview and Dog Creek Schools.

There are two candidates in the running — Angie Delainey and Melynda Neufeld.

The byelection was called after Area E director Byron Kemp passed away in January.

Area E is the South Lakeside/Dog Creek area which has a population of approximately 4,129 people.

Regional services include land use planning, weed control, waste management, building inspection, bylaw enforcement, library system, corporate administration and electoral area administration.

Read More: Angie Delainey offers fresh outlook for CRD seat

Read More: Melynda Neufeld hoping to build on Kemp’s legacy with CRD seat

Williams Lake Tribune