CRD introduces revamped regional growth strategy

The RGS guides decisions on regional issues such as transportation, population growth and settlement patterns.

  • Jul. 14, 2016 12:00 p.m.

The Capital Regional District board has introduced a regional growth strategy bylaw, also known as the RGS, but more public input is sought.

The RGS guides decisions on regional issues such as transportation, population growth and settlement patterns.

The 2016 RGS bylaw will update the existing growth strategy, adopted in 2003, with a new focus on addressing climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and includes new content on food and agriculture.

The RGS update is part of a provincially mandated five-year review and is funded by a Union of British Columbia Municipalities Gas Tax grant.

The update process explored different options for how to best address matters related to regional sustainability.

Based on input from the public and other stakeholders, the CRD board affirmed a desire for strong growth management rooted in keeping urban settlement compact.

Twelve municipalities and the Juan de Fuca Land Use Committee have provided comment on the document, with suggestions for clarifying and strengthening the comprehensiveness of the growth strategy.

Before the bylaw can be adopted, all municipalities within the capital region need to approve the RGS.

Prior to adopting the bylaw, a public meeting will be held in the early fall to provide residents the opportunity to comment on the document.

All those interested are encouraged to submit their input. Comments will be summarized and presented to the CRD board for its consideration in finalizing the bylaw.

The public meeting times will be advertised closer to the date. Go online to for more information and a copy of the document.


Sooke News Mirror