CRD offers first chance to weigh in on proposed border change

The public will have their first chance to officially weigh in on the proposed Langford/Metchosin border change next Wednesday.

  • Oct. 16, 2016 8:00 a.m.

The public will have their first chance to officially weigh in on the proposed Langford/Metchosin border change next Wednesday as the Capital Regional District prepares to include it in its regional growth strategy (RGS).

The proposed amendment to the RGS will see the boundary of the Regional Urban Containment and Servicing Policy Area extended. This amendment was initiated at the request of the City of Langford, the District of Metchosin and the Beecher Bay First Nation and is part of a broader request to the province for a municipal boundary adjustment.

A public hearing on the 2016 RGS bylaw is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 19, at 6 p.m. in the CRD board room, 625 Fisgard St. That hearing will follow an open house on the same day from 3 to 6 p.m. CRD staff will be available to answer any questions during that time as well.

This hearing is the first in a number of opportunities for the public to have their say on the proposed border change.

Sessions yet to be co-ordinated at the municipal level could include joint information sessions, a mailout to all residents, postings on municipal websites, community to community forums, engagements with First Nations, referendums or alternative approval processes, and rezoning and OCP amendment (including public hearings).

The RGS is meant to act as a guide for the future of the region, playing a role in decisions on regional issues such as transportation, population growth and settlement patterns. As part of a five-year review process, the existing RGS is being updated at this time.

The hearing may be the final opportunity for the public to comment on the RGS before it is referred for municipal acceptance and adopted as bylaw.

The public can add their voice to the discussion in person at the public hearing or in writing by completing a comment form by Oct. 19. Forms are available online at

Goldstream News Gazette