CRD updated on mine

Spanish Mountain Gold Ltd. (SMG) president & CEO Brian Groves and representative Marissa Nobauer recently appeared before the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) board with information regarding its mine project.

Spanish Mountain Gold Ltd. (SMG) president & CEO Brian Groves and representative Marissa Nobauer recently appeared before the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) board with information regarding its mine project.

CRD chair Al Richmond says it was “very refreshing” to hear that SMG intends to engage with the community and its stakeholders in its development of the Spanish Mountain Gold Project near Likely.

He adds that Groves and Nobauer said SMG is “really pleased” to have been successful in working and forming an agreement with the Williams Lake Indian Band.

Project estimates indicate 600 jobs over 18 months while the mine is developed, and 284 permanent jobs during the project’s life span: 140 in the mine, 99 in milling the ore and 45 in administration, Richmond notes.


100 Mile House Free Press