Creek ready for dredging

City of Armstrong hopes to dredge Meighan Creek to help with flooding concerns

Property owners must give their permission to the City of Armstrong before work on dredging Meighan Creek can begin.

The dredging would help with flooding issues, which were heavy and serious in 2017.

An environmental management plan has been submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Fisheries and Oceans Canada for review.

“We want to reinforce that it’s important for us to work on the creek to help mitigate flood concerns,” said Mayor Chris Pieper. “We need permission from all of the property owners before that can begin, and I’m optimistic we’ll get that permission.”

A fish collection permit has also been applied for from Fisheries.

Gentech Engineering has prepared a tender package. If permission from all property owners is received, work can commence immediately. Staff hopes to have dredging completed by the end of March.

Vernon Morning Star