Theresa Gee kneels in front of some of the damage done to the grass just outside her home.

Theresa Gee kneels in front of some of the damage done to the grass just outside her home.

Crescent Park lawn damage ‘upsetting’

For second time in a month, a vehicle has damaged a lawn in South Surrey

A longtime Crescent Park resident is asking for help finding the individual who drove up on the grass in front of her property, causing extensive damage, including deep tread marks.

Theresa Gee, who has been living at her home on Woodcrest Drive for more than 15 years, said this is the first time something like this has happened to her – but not the first incident in the neighbourhood.

“Two years ago when our neighbours were selling their home, someone trashed their lawn. Our neighbour who recently had a ‘sold’ sign put up is asking her realtor to take it down because now she’s concerned,” Gee said.

The recently widowed mother left her home early Friday morning, returning in the evening at approximately 9:30 p.m. to discover the damage.

It appeared someone drove over boulders placed to deter drivers from coming up onto the grass, crossed onto the paved driveway and continued onto the other side of the lawn, creating deep gouge marks with their tires, Gee said.

“It would be quite expensive for me to have to repair that damage,” she said, noting that while the area is just on the outside of her property line, she has been maintaining it for years. “I’m hoping the city will be able to take this over.”

Gee, who filed a RCMP report on Monday, is hoping someone who may have information on the person who caused the damage will contact her or police.

“They should be held accountable,” she said. “It’s very upsetting. This was right outside my home.”

Last month, a similar incident occurred in Ocean Park. Leanne Zanatta came home to her front lawn covered in deep tread marks and damage to a tree on her property.

Police later found a stolen vehicle matching the description that Zanatta’s neighbours had given, however no suspect was apprehended.

Peace Arch News