College of the Rockies Community Greenhouse staff were dismayed yesterday morning to find that several vegetable beds on the Creston campus had been vandalized overnight.
Carrots, potatoes, beets, cabbage, leeks, peppers and onions had been ripped from the ground. Most were dumped on the ground, while some onions and beets — the latter minus their tops — were taken.
“It’s not someone who needed the food,” said greenhouse program co-ordinator Anita Sawyer, who also noted that a greenhouse’s plastic side was sliced open, although no damage occurred inside. “If it was, we wouldn’t be so bothered.”
The biggest concern is the setback to the greenhouse’s recipients, mainly the Therapeutic Activation Program for Seniors and the Creston Valley Gleaners Society food bank, as well as other non-profit groups.
With food banks typically handing out packaged non-perishable items, the fresh produce was a great asset to the local bank.
“These are the things people want the most,” said Sawyer.
The 14 potato plants that were destroyed would have resulted in about 70 pounds of produce. And the carrot crop, some of which were barely an inch long, may be a write-off, even when the bed is reseeded — carrots like cool weather, so “it’s hard to say if they would even take,” said Sawyer.
The crops harvested at the greenhouse are the result of a lot of labour. This spring, 12 programs were hosted with children from local elementary schools, young families and seniors, all learning how to grow their own food. The results of a lot of that work have now been lost.
“They all helped with this,” said Sawyer.
She urged passersby to call the police if something looks strange.
“Be vigilant,” she said.