Creston RCMP detachment. Photo: Aaron Hemens

Creston police report: 50 calls for assistance from Nov. 2 to 8

On Nov. 4, RCMP received a call from a resident who said that their Dr. Ho's personal massager may have been stolen from their residence.

  • Nov. 9, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Creston RCMP said that they received 50 calls for assistance from Nov. 2 to 8.

Nov. 2

  • Received a call regarding an assault involving school children. As the children were under the age of criminal responsibility, the matter was referred to the school and the parents.
  • Investigated a complaint of harassing communications from a partner in a previous relationship.
  • A vehicle stop on Erickson Road for erratic driving resulted in the drinking driver having his licence suspended for seven days.

Nov. 3

  • Attended the Creston Hospital to assist staff with a violent patient.
  • Police stopped a vehicle in Creston after observing a known prohibited driver operating the vehicle. The stop led to police seizing a small amount of illegal narcotics. The driver was charged and the vehicle was impounded.
  • Intervened in a family dispute that was becoming violent.

Nov. 4

  • Received a call that a Dr. Ho’s personal massager may have been stolen from a residence.
  • Received a complaint from a client of a healing centre that he was possibly poisoned during treatment. Further investigation revealed that the caller was possibly administering his own herbal remedies.
  • A vehicle stop in Canyon for erratic driving resulted in the drinking driver receiving a three-day licence suspension.

Nov. 5

  • A vehicle stop in Creston resulted in the drinking driver being charged with impaired driving and having his vehicle impounded. The Alberta driver may face additional sanctions due to his previous record of impaired driving convictions.
  • Opened an investigation into a credit card fraud at a Creston business.
  • Report of an unwanted male outside a residence in Creston.

Nov. 6

  • Attended to a noise complaint stemming from a group of intoxicated party goers in Creston.
  • Began an investigation into a fraud over a purchase on Kijiji.
  • Intervened in a family dispute that had become violent. Alcohol was found to be a factor in the disturbance.

Nov. 7

  • Report of suspicious activity at a residence in Creston.
  • A report of illegal dumping in Creston was referred to Bylaw Services.
  • Report of threats being uttered from an unknown person.

Nov. 8

  • A call to a suspicious vehicle abandoned on Highway 3 turned out to be a recovered stolen vehicle out of Calgary. Investigation continues.

– Information courtesy of Staff Sgt. Ryan Currie of the Creston RCMP

Creston Valley Advance