Creston RCMP detachment. Photo: Aaron Hemens

Creston Police Report: 51 calls for assistance from Nov. 16 to 23.

Police responded to a complaint on Nov. 17 of an assault on a shopper after her shopping basket was taken from her by an employee. The shopper was asked to leave the store after refusing to wear a mask or use hand sanitizer.

  • Nov. 23, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Creston RCMP said that they received 51 calls for assistance from Nov. 16 to 23.

Nov. 16

  • Received a complaint regarding an aggressive dog in Kitchener.
  • An angry neighbour became threatening after the neighbour refused to let her use the phone. Alcohol appeared to be a factor.
  • Received a call of threats being made between roommates involving a knife.

Nov. 17

  • Report of possible theft of money from a bank account appeared to be a mistake by the account holder.
  • Complaint of an assault on a shopper after her shopping basket was taken from her by an employee. The shopper was asked to leave the store after refusing to wear a mask or use hand sanitizer.
  • Report of a disturbance after a person was asked to leave a residence.

Nov. 18

  • Report of a missing email money transfer.

Nov. 19

  • Called to investigate threats being uttered between a landlord and a tenant.
  • Report of threats being uttered over social media between estranged family members.

Nov. 20

  • A call of an injured deer on the highway was referred to BC Conservation Officers.

Nov. 21

  • Received a report of an intruder that was found in a residence in Creston. Another neighbour advised that a male had attempted to gain entry into that residence as well. A short time later, a vehicle collision was called in regarding a stolen vehicle. Police located the intoxicated male who was responsible for the break and enters, the vehicle theft and the subsequent collision. Numerous charges are pending.
  • Report of a broken window in a residence.
  • Attended to a disturbance in which one neighbour was yelling at the other. Alcohol appeared to be involved.
  • Received a report of an erratic driver in Creston. Police located the vehicle and found the driver to be consuming cannabis. The driver refused to comply with police demands to perform required sobriety testing as he was too intoxicated to pass. The driver was charged and the vehicle was impounded.
  • A vehicle stop for swerving on the roadway resulted in the drinking driver receiving a 90 day licence suspension and a vehicle impound. His excuse for swerving was that he was reaching for his bucket of fried chicken.
  • Report of threats being made by an ex-partner over social media.
  • A driver had his licence suspended for 24 hours after using cannabis and driving.

Nov. 22

  • An intoxicated female was arrested in Creston after damaging windows on two public buildings.
  • Report of a truck stolen from a residence in Lister.
  • A report of a stolen dog turned out to be false.
  • Intervened in a family dispute that had become violent.
  • Called to intervene in a dispute between two roommates.
  • Report of harassment over Facebook stemming from unwanted advances by a male in the US.

Nov. 23

  • Police were called to a possible domestic assault in progress. At the residence, police found that the intoxicated caller was not being truthful, and just wanted a ride to the hospital. The caller was warned about making false statements to the police.

– Information courtesy of Staff Sgt. Ryan Currie of the Creston RCMP

Creston Valley Advance