Creston new Chief Librarian Saara Itkonen will begin in October.

Creston new Chief Librarian Saara Itkonen will begin in October.

Creston Public Library Association welcomes a new Chief Librarian

Saara Itkonen has spent the past 8 years as a Children's Librarian and Branch Head at Vancouver Public Library.

  • Aug. 30, 2018 12:00 a.m.

The Creston Public Library Association is pleased to welcome Saara Itkonen, who will be taking on the role of Chief Librarian effective October 1st.

Saara Itkonen has spent the past 8 years as a Children’s Librarian and Branch Head at Vancouver Public Library. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of British Columbia and her Masters in Library and Information Studies from McGill.

Saara has extensive experience in facilitating library programs for children, teens, adults, and seniors and in partnering with non-profits, small businesses and other community organizations to better address community needs. She especially loves getting out of the library building and working with community members to remove barriers to accessing library services. She looks forward to getting to know the Creston community and exploring its beautiful surroundings.

-Submitted by Creston Public Library

Creston Valley Advance