Crews burn off fire hazards on Terrace Mountain

  • Apr. 4, 2011 6:00 p.m.
SMOKE IN the air today is fire crews on Terrace Mountain burning pine beetle-infested trees and eliminating possible fire hazards.

SMOKE IN the air today is fire crews on Terrace Mountain burning pine beetle-infested trees and eliminating possible fire hazards.

SMOKE IN the sky on the east side of town today was a result of fire crews burning some pine beetle-infested trees and also eliminating fire hazards on Terrace Mountain.

It’s the fourth day of burning there and crews should be done either today or tomorrow, says field management specialist Tony Falcao of the area’s fire attack crew.

The rain and wind cooperated so fire crews could do the burning.

“Exactly, it’s very wet out and plus we have to make sure the smoke doesn’t bother anybody,” said Falcao, adding fire crews follow certain regulations and policies to keep smoke to a minimum.

“When venting is good like this, you can see it (smoke) but it just kind of dissipates,” he said, referring to the venting index that comes from Environment Canada and determines when it’s a good day to burn without smoke being a problem.

Terrace Standard