A wildfire is burning in West Trail. Photo: Jim Bailey

Crews mop-up after Sunday wildfire in Trail

A new record high of 39.6 C was set on Saturday, June 26

Update 2 p.m. June 27


The BC Wildfire Service has provided details on the Columbia River fire (N50945) burning in West Trail.

The wildfire is considered under control, meaning that the fire has received sufficient suppression action to ensure no further spread.

Its size is approximately 0.4 hectares.

The location is described as approximately one kilometre south of the City of Trail.

A three-person initial attack crew is on scene.

Another 10 personnel are en route, supported by Kootenay Boundary Regional Fire Rescue.


Smoke was visible in the upper ridges of West Trail on Sunday, emanating from a wildfire.

While there was no report available from the BC Wildfire Service by noon, firefighting aircraft has been flying overhead.

This wildfire follows a record-breaking heat wave that saw a new high set in the Trail area on Saturday.

A new record high of 39.6 C was set on June 26, according to Environment Canada’s RCS (Reference Climate Station), located in Warfield.

The old record of 37.9 C has been in the books since 2015.

Records in this area have been kept since 1928.

More to come …

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Trail Daily Times


Photo: Jim Bailey

Photo: Jim BaileyPhoto: Jim Bailey

Lisa Keech posted this photo on Facebook of the wildfire currently burning in West Trail. Photo: Lisa Keech on Facebook

Photo: Ron Wilson

Photo: Ron Wilson

Photo: Ron Wilson

Photo: Ron Wilson