Crime severity drops in Terrace, BC

City now 19th overall across Canada for crime severity

TERRACE appears to be a safer city in which to live during the last year than even two years ago according to the latest Statistics Canada crime severity index.

Terrace came in at 19th for overall crime severity based on 297 police services for communities of more than 10,000 population for 2012.

On last year’s report, which was for 2011, Terrace ranked 10th.

Of B.C. locations included in the latest report, Terrace is the 8th highest city in the province.

Williams Lake, at No. 3, is the highest ranking B.C. city on the list for the second year in a row now and Comox on Vancouver Island was the safest city in the province, ranking 286th.

Prince Rupert ranked 8th, same as last year.

When divided into violent crime and non-violent crime, Terrace ranked 22nd and 17th, respectively.

In comparison, Williams Lake is ranked 2nd and 3rd, respectively and Prince Rupert 7th and 13th, respectively.

Terrace RCMP media relations officer Const. Angela Rabut says a number of factors have to be considered.

Moving from 10th to 19th is a positive step. More data is needed for a more accurate snapshot of Terrace’s crime. When Stats Canada releases its stats on crime rates, [we] will be able to provide a more detailed comment. As stated last year, the crime severity index can be misleading on its own,” said Rabut.

Last year, Terrace RCMP detachment commander Inspector Dana Hart said statistics can be interpreted in a number of ways and any changes in the crime severity index or crime rate could be due to the number of people reporting crimes in a year or more crimes being solved by police.

Statistics Canada started keeping track of the Crime Severity Index in 2009, saying it addressed the amount of crime but also its severity.

The index also shows whether crime is more or less serious than in previous years and whether reported crime is more or less serious than in other places.


Terrace Standard