Crime stats show increases in Parksville

Some categories are continuing their general downward trend of the past several years, including theft of motor vehicles

Reported crime is up in many categories in Parksville, according to the latest year-to-date report.

Oceanside RCMP Staff Sgt. Brian Hunter was scheduled to presented his semi-annual report to Parksville council Monday night after press deadline.

The agenda item shows that some categories have jumped considerably over the first half of 2013 over the same period last year, with assaults rising from 30 to 43, theft from motor vehicle up from 42 to 74 and immediate roadside prohibition failures up from two to 20.

Some categories are continuing their general downward trend of the past several years, including theft of motor vehicle from eight to five, drug infractions from 35 to 27 and impaired driving from 11 to three.

Hunter was expected to present more detail and context to council Monday night.

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