Crimestoppers website launched

  • Feb. 25, 2011 6:00 a.m.

Stopping crime is now easier thanks to the new live updates on the Crimestoppers website.The Nanaimo and Ladysmith area site now updates with warrants of wanted criminals, posted daily.The site was previously only accessible to accredited media sources, police and those associated with Crime Stoppers. Warrants for individuals living in the  area could not be seen by the public therefore making it extremely frustrating to police and Crime Stoppers.The change came about due to some internal shuffling within the Nanaimo RCMP. Const. Gary O’Brien, the current Crime Stoppers co-ordinator and media relations Officer, is now occupying those positions on a full-time basis. In recent years, the job was rotational and the person in that position could not devote sufficient time or energy to keep the site current. Warrants must be active and if the person has been arrested, it is essential to remove the warrant promptly and without delay from the site.Another addition to the site is “web tips” which allows the pubic to send tips from the safety and comfort of their home computer. Another addition is a link to all of the Crime Stoppers re-enactments shot in the last two years. These re-enactments profile serious crimes in Nanaimo ranging from a high profile missing person case to arson and assaults with violence. Go to and help solve crime today.

Ladysmith Chronicle