Robin William’s sudden death from suicide on Monday – which has brought the topics of suicide and depression out into the open in media coverage and social networks – has also impacted the local crisis line.
On Tuesday, the day after the comedian and actor was found dead at the age of 63 of an apparent suicide at his home in California, roughly 10 per cent of callers to the Surrey-based Fraser Health Crisis Line (FHCL) made mention of the incident, says crisis line practice leader Jackie Yurick.
“Many of the callers’ own suicide thoughts and feelings were triggered and some talked about the death causing them to reflect upon their past suicide attempts,” she explains.
She added that the total number of incoming calls remained steady, at around 100 per day.
The volunteer-run crisis line, which is organized by Options Community Services, provides immediate, free, and confidential emotional support, crisis intervention and community resource information to people of all ages 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Anyone can call the crisis line about anything that is causing concern, worry or distress, including suicidal thoughts or feelings, mental health problems, addiction issues, family violence, abuse, relationship conflicts, loss, or just plain loneliness.
For support, call 604-951-8855.