Critical fire threat passed

Caution, as always, urged in relation to campfire use

  • Sep. 19, 2013 5:00 a.m.
Govt. of BC

Govt. of BC

A press release from the Southeast Fire Centre states that, “effective at noon on Friday, Sept. 20, the open burning prohibition in the Southeast Fire Centre will be rescinded, due to a decreased risk of wildfires.”

Observant responsibility is still encouraged from the public in spite of reduced fire risk.

Please be cautious and vigilant with any fire use because the danger rating can rise just as quickly as it can fall.

The fire centre press release contains the following advice:

“Homeowners and industry personnel are encouraged to take the following precautions with any outdoor burning activities:

·   Ensure that enough people, water and tools are on hand to control the fire and to prevent it from escaping.

·   Do not burn in windy conditions. The weather can change quickly and the wind may carry embers to other combustible material and start new fires.

·   Create a fireguard of at least one metre around the planned fire site by clearing away twigs, grass, leaves and other combustible material.

·         If you are planning a large burn, consider conducting smaller burns around the perimeter beforehand to create a fuel break and to help stop the fire from spreading beyond its intended size. Each of these fires should be kept small and must be extinguished before starting a new fire.

·         Never leave a fire unattended, and make sure your fire is extinguished and the ashes are cold to the touch before you leave the area.

There have been 320 wildfires in the Southeast Fire Centre so far this season. Of those, 46 were caused by people.

Anyone planning to do any large-scale industrial burning or conduct a grass burn more than 0.2 hectares (Category 3 fires) must obtain a burn registration number ahead of time by calling 1 800 797-1717.

Castlegar News