A large crowd gathered in Centennial Square Saturday afternoon to hear entertainers and speakers during a protest rally to show support and solidarity with Women's marches being held in Washington, DC and around the world to protest the policies of new US president Donald Trump.

A large crowd gathered in Centennial Square Saturday afternoon to hear entertainers and speakers during a protest rally to show support and solidarity with Women's marches being held in Washington, DC and around the world to protest the policies of new US president Donald Trump.

Crowd fills Victoria’s Centennial Square for Women’s March rally

A large crowd filled Centennial Square in Victoria Saturday in support of Women's Marches around the world.

The crowd kept swelling in Centennial Square as entertainers and speakers spoke to the a gathering in support of Women’s Marches held in Washington DC and around the world to protest the policies of new American president Donald Trump.

The event drew a large crowd to the downtown location and mirrored the marches elsewhere that saw huge turnouts.

The Women’s March follows Trump’s inauguration ceremonies Friday.

Victoria News