CSCT seeks Tuff history play script

The Clayoquot Sound Community Theatre Association is pleased to announce that it has launched step one of theTofino history play project. Basic info follows, and the full callfor-proposals is at the referenced link.

The Clayoquot Sound Community Theatre Association is commissioning a play that celebrates Tofino’s history. It will be shown at the Clayoquot Sound Community Theatre on a regular basis starting in summer 2016, for the education and enjoyment of locals and visitors.

Step one is a call for proposals from playwrights. Based on the proposals, one individual (or group) will be chosen, and work in conjunction with the CSCTA to develop a producible script. Subsequent steps will involve securing further funding and moving the play into production.

For full details, visit

The project’s critical ingredient was a $2,500 Tofino Arts Grant awarded to the CSCTA by District of Tofino council in March 2014. “This initiative has been talked about by various parties for many years, so it’s a real thrill to be starting the process,” said Sandi Rideout, CSCTA board member.

The board plans to have a workable script by next winter. More grant applications are in the works, after which they will begin putting together the directors, actors and production team. “If all goes well, we will be able to stage a weekly show at the theatre for tourists and locals during the summer of 2016,” Rideout said.

Visitors love local culture, and this play will present local history in an entertaining form.

The board expects this project to be a challenge for the chosen

playwright. There’s a lot of history in this place, beginning thousands of years ago and including First Nations, early explorers, original settlers, the protest years, right up to the local characters still making history today.

The trick will be to condense it all down to an hour.

The Clayoquot Sound Community Theatre itself was built in 1983 by a passionate volunteer team headed by Gary Marks, who then proceeded to direct and produce many, many plays. It is now a district-owned facility, managed by the CSCTA.

The CSCTA board includes Sandi Rideout (driving force behind

Monday Night Movies for 12 years); Norma Dryden, Treasurer (and fierce supporter/innovator in the Tofino arts scene); Spencer Baird (instigator of the renowned Local Amusements for the Amusement of Locals variety show); Rino Del Zoppo, Creative Producer (known to direct the occasional play and theatre class); and Rob Renna, Theatre Manager.

The CSCTA letterhead bears a quote from its mission statement: “It is our aim to encourage performance arts in our community.” If you have any questions, please contact Sandi Rideout, 250-725-3975 or

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