CSRD proceeds with lake plan

Gardom Lake: Fraser Basin Council to conduct review.

Gardom Lake is home to many species of flora and fauna and well-stocked with trout by the Freshwater Fisheries Society of B.C.

There are a number of concerns regarding the health of the lake –   including the number and kind of boats on the lake, invasive species on the shoreline and public access to the water.

All of this and more will be taken into consideration as Columbia Shuswap Regional District board members gave unanimous approval to entering into an agreement with the Fraser Basin Council to facilitate and develop a management plan for the lake.

In his report to the board, Darcy Mooney, CSRD’s manager of operations management, advised directors that the Fraser Basin Council has an excellent level of experience with water and watershed planning initiatives, both regionally and provincially and has a history of successful facilitation and multi-party processes.

“The Fraser Basin Council is an impartial organization with a mandate to advance environmental, economic and social sustainability,” said Mooney. “The council has the ability and qualifications to deliver a high-quality lake management plan at a reasonable cost.”

At the June 2013 board meeting, directors approved up to $35,000 in funds from the Area D Community Works Fund for development of the plan, contingent on the province coughing up at least one third of the cost.

When the province denied funding, directors agreed in May 2014 to up the ante to a maximum $40,000.

Fraser Basin Council has agreed to produce the plan for $34,640 plus applicable taxes and a 15 per cent contingency.

CSRD staff will work with the council and estimate the Gardom Lake Management Plan will be completed by June 2015.

“Gardom Lake is a small lake well-used since it was stocked with big fish and a lot of people get their water from the lake,” said Area D Falkland/SalmonValley/Deep Creek director Rene Talbot.

“I am happy we are moving forward and think the Fraser Basin Council is well-equipped to handle this.”


Salmon Arm Observer