CSRD wants Falkland to remain in riding

Columbia Shuswap Regional District directors are telling Ottawa to leave well enough alone.

Columbia Shuswap Regional District directors are telling Ottawa to leave well enough alone.

The board added its voice to the chorus of concern over proposed federal electoral boundary changes.

Directors reviewed a Sept. 26 letter from the City of Armstrong to the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for British Columbia protesting the removal of Falkland from the Okanagan-Shuswap riding.

Director René Talbot said not only would the change mean Falkland residents, who are closely tied to Vernon, would have to go to Kelowna to see their MP, but would split his electoral area.

Talbot said the change would make it impossible for people to see their MP and asked the board members to support a strongly worded letter protesting the changes.

“This makes no sense, all these realignments,” Talbot said, frustration evident.

“They want to install 30 new MPs. How much is that going to cost? Economic times are pretty tough all over the world right now and I don’t know why they (MPs) can’t look after 110,000 people.”

Director Paul Demenok seconded Talbot’s motion, pointing out the proposed boundary changes effectively  cut Sorrento in half.

Directors agreed unanimously to tell the commission to leave the boundaries where they are.


Vernon Morning Star