CSS reports to council on new web-based program

Although it still needs some work, Finditinclearwater.com is up and running

Although it still needs some work, Finditinclearwater.com is up and running, Clearwater Secondary School students Katie Bieber, Geraldine Jules and Kaitlyn VanderZwan along with teacher Sylvain Menard reported to town council last Tuesday.

All Clearwater and area businesses and organizations will get a basic listing in the directory, they said. For a small fee they can get their listing upgraded to a small ad.

The goal is to have a comprehensive directory that is easy to use and up-to-date.

The project should benefit local businesses and organizations by directing traffic their way plus help local residents and travelers find the goods and services they are looking for.

They asked council for some start-up funding to get the project going. In keeping with standard procedures, council referred the matter to staff and will make a decision at a later meeting.

Councilor Christy Dobi congratulated those involved on identifying a need and then moving to fill it.

Earthquake ends trip to Japan

A planned trip to Japan by Clearwater Secondary School’s Travel Club has been cancelled because of the earthquake, tsunami and ongoing nuclear emergency, student Baylee Sallenbach told council.

The group is looking at going to Italy instead.

A group of young people from the school’s aboriginal program once again plans to attend an annual national E-Spirit business plan competition, this year to be held in New Brunswick, she said.

Despite the fields still being covered with snow, soccer began at the school about two weeks ago, said Sallenbach, who as a member of the school’s student council is also a member of Clearwater’s junior council.

Council debates signs

If you have only six icons to tell passing motorists what services they can find in Clearwater, what should they be?

Town council debated that question last Tuesday after the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure asked for input on a new highway sign proposed for near the Wells Gray Inn junction.

Councilor Stephanie Teare was concerned because three of the six proposed (hotel, bed and breakfast and campground) all relate to accommodation. The other three would be bank, restaurants and gas stations. There should be more variety, she felt, and asked what the choices for other icons would be.

Chief administrative officer Isabell Hadford reminded council that the question had been discussed before.

The ministry wanted a reply by the next day, she said.


Council decided to discuss the matter further by email the following day and send the outcome to the ministry.



Clearwater Times